Friday, September 25, 2009

10 Victoria's Secret Panties for $25

Pink Nation Members sign in and get your coupon for 10 pairs of panties for $25!
If you want to shop online, use coupon code 10PANTIES
If you aren't a Pink Nation Member, register here.

Kroger Triple Coupons This Weekend

Kroger is having their triple coupons event this weekend! Stretching A Buck has a list of coupon match-ups here.

Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day!

Go to SwagBucks for Mega Swag Bucks Friday!! Not a member of SwagBucks yet? Click here to sign up & earn Swag Bucks to trade for gift cards & other great prizes just for searching the web! I love SwagBucks! It is so easy to earn points, just go to SwagBucks instead of google or yahoo to perform your internet searches & earn Swag Bucks!

Kmart Doubles Update

I called New Boston Kmart & they said they are participating in the double coupons sale starting 9/27 & they will be accepting any manufacturers coupons!! I guess we'll just have to go check it out. I'll let you know as soon as I knwo something certain.

2 Red Box Codes

Here's 2 new Red Box Codes:
  • Good at any location: 9HB6MP22
  • Good at McDonald's locations: SMR8DVD

Unknown expiration dates